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10 Sales statistics you need to know about before 2021 ends

10 Sales statistics you need to know about before 2021 ends

We all know the sales team is the cornerstone for any business. . It not only plays a key role in getting a new client base but also to build loyal and sustainable relationships with those customers. Your sales team represents your entire company as they are the first ones to interact with any prospect. We have been conducting polls across multiple channels and people from diverse industries with specialized skills have participated. This painted a better picture for us and gave a deeper insight into the industry trends and practices. We thought of collating all the sales statistics to give you a better idea and help you formulate an effective sales strategy. So here we go. 

10 Sales statistics that you need to know about before 2021 ends
10 Sales statistics that you need to know about before 2021 ends- MyOperator
  1. Brands are always wondering that what is the most ideal time of starting the calling spree to their clients/prospects. Businesses have to make sure that it’s not too early as they have to see to it that they do not miss the window of opportunity in the morning when a client would be in a good mood with an open mind. When asked in a survey, the majority I.e.  42% of salesmen voted that their sales team starts calling at 10 am. If we analyze it then it’s a good time. Neither too early, nor too late.
  1. Converting a lead into a customer is a task. It required many follow-ups and discussions with the lead to finally convince them to be your customer. However, not all leads are easy to convince. If you are a salesperson yourself then you must have come across many difficult prospects. But you need to give your best before scrapping a lead. So when we asked in a survey 29% of salesmen said that they conduct at least 3 or more followups before discarding leads while 25% said they go for 5 or more follow-ups. So if we analyze the answers of the majority then we can come to a conclusion that it actually depends on the industry and the individual sales tactics used by salesmen.
  1. Listening to call recordings of the salesperson with the client is a very crucial part of being a sales manager, especially when utilizing call center software. In that way, they will be able to keep a check on individual performances and give constructive feedback. But, this will appall you all as the majority (37%) of sales managers who participated in the survey said that they never listen to their team’s recordings with clients. While 29% of them said that they listen to it every week, and 24% of them choose to listen to them every day.
  1. Now remote working is the new normal, but since the pandemic has eased out it has been a thought on everyone’s mind that what is a better option. Working from home, working from the office, or a hybrid arrangement.  When asked by the salespersons the majority (55%) voted that the sales team performs better in work from home. So if you want to increase the productivity of your sales team experiment tries remote working set up. Utilizing a cloud call center solution can further streamline and optimize communication processes for a more efficient remote work experience.
  1. Nothing comes at par with the motivation that incentives are given to the salesperson. Incentives after a long day of work are everything a salesperson can ask for.  But that is not all, a good sales manager is equally important. In a survey conducted by MyOperator, it was found that a good sales manager is the second best thing that motivates a salesperson. The majority i.e 40% of the salespersons voted for the same. As a sales manager, one has a lot to take care of but the most important task is to keep your sales team motivated. 
10 Sales statistics that you need to know about before 2021 ends- MyOperator
  1. Google is the solution to all problems and even salespersons agree to this. In a survey by MyOperator, 37% of the salespeople who participated said that Google is the best source of leads in India. 35% said it depends on the industry. 22 % said that it is LinkedIn and to our surprise, only 7% voted for Facebook as today every single person who is the probable customer is on Facebook.  
  1. Closing a deal is the most important part of a salesperson’s job profile, everything else is secondary. Thus, they need to go an extra mile with clients by doing follow-up calls, sometimes offering discounts, and much more. When we asked salespersons themselves that how many follow-ups calls it takes to land a client. Then the 45% of them which was the majority said that 2-3 follow-ups are always necessary for closing a deal. 
  1. Cold calls are the most difficult calls to make. Many salespersons even get intimidated by them. So we asked an experienced group of salespersons that what should be the last time to make a cold call. The 35% (which was the majority) of votes went to the time slot 6-7 pm. An equal number of people said that it depends upon the client base and the kind of client. 
  1. Sales is a tiring job but what exhausts the sales professionals the most are ambitious targets. 35% of the sales professionals, who participated in the survey, agreed to this. While the 34% said it’s the slow growth rate or promotion to be precise that demotivates them or attrites them.  
  1. Giving discounts is the most ideal way of fetching a client base in India and 40%(the majority) of the salespersons agree that deep discounting is a good sales strategy for Indian markets. 

Source: MyOperator

About The Author
Srishti Panwar
Srishti is a Growth Marketer. She loves reading and writing. If she is not with the books, she is probably out playing badminton. She is a fitness enthusiast and likes to indulge in creative chores.