MyOperator / Blog / Glossary / Customer journey mapping

Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a visual description of the journey a customer have had with your business. It starts from when the customer approached you till they bought a product+ customer experience. This practice is done so the business can empathize with the customer and understand their problems and issues. Furthermore, it helps the business to understand where they need to improve in terms of customer support.

Following are the benefits of customer journey mapping:

  • Allows you to optimize and make your customer onboarding process smoother.
  • Finding the difference between the customer experience desired by the customers versus what your business is providing them at the moment.
  • Understanding buyer personas as the customer is updated from a prospect to a conversion in the sales funnel.
  • Creating a logical order of the buyer journey and following the same for better churn rate.
  • Understanding what the buyer needs, the places where buyer needs attentions, the aspects he/she needs support with.
About The Author
Srishti Panwar
Srishti is a Growth Marketer. She loves reading and writing. If she is not with the books, she is probably out playing badminton. She is a fitness enthusiast and likes to indulge in creative chores.

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