Average speed of answer

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Average speed of answer

Average Speed of Answer, also known as ASA in a call center system is an aggregate of the amount of time an agent takes to receive a call. 

It is a key metric to determine the call center agent’s performance and how much time is it taking to attend the calls. 

It can be any type of call coming from a pre-set IVR service or Interactive Voice Response or live calls. 

Importance of ASA

Since customer support is one of the most crucial departments in any organization, it is important to keep a track of the responsiveness quotient. Since ASAs are directly proportional to the performance of the calling agents, supervisors benchmark this as a key metric to bolster the productivity of their teams. However, you wouldn’t want to keep your callers in queue for a longer time and this happens if ASA is low. 

As a call center manager, sales leader, customer support head, or organizational decision maker, it is imperative to understand the quality of calls and ASA will help you determine those metrics better. 

However, to ensure low ASA, most of the time you need to fall back on high-priced software for smooth customer communication. 

Struggling with a small team in your call center? Try MyOperator a toll free number provider to understand your team’s performance in the simplest way on a single dashboard. 

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