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Why Tracking Call Leads is Crucial for the Success of your Business

Why Tracking Call Leads is Crucial for the Success of your Business

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your business? Where do you see your business in the next 3 years? Visualize the image, feel it deep and then read further.

Now, what all do you need to take your business to that level? Many factors need to be considered, right? Firstly, a proficient team, a unique product or service, loyal customers, continuous innovation and many other factors. Anything missing? Well, the most important factor is Money.

And where do you get the money from?

Investment and Revenue.

Revenue comes through customers and customers are acquired by the sales and marketing team. Thus, the efficient functioning of the sales and marketing team of any business is important to gain and retain customers.

Sales Team: The Cornerstone of any Business

Given the fact that the sales team is one of the most important departments of any business, few obvious questions follow up. Are you monitoring your sales team well? Are you optimizing the cost incurred on marketing through a proper sales channel? Are your sales agents handling your existing customers and prospects well?

If your answer to any of these questions is no, or even if you’re unsure, you need to revamp your sales team process.

Statistically, it is observed that lost productivity and poorly managed leads cost companies at least $1 trillion every year.

Sales and marketing go hand in hand towards achieving higher revenue. Managing client leads and achieving sales targets are the most important functions of a sales team. However, leads come by making customers aware about your product, which is done by the marketing team.

So, to ensure that the ROI on marketing campaigns is optimal, you must ensure that sales leads are not lost and properly followed up.

Call Leads: Lifeline of Your Sales

Most of the leads come through cold calling and emails alone, however, phone leads are 10-15 times more likely to convert than email leads.

According to Salesforce, 92% of customer interactions happen over phone. Thus, it becomes important to manage business calls and not to miss even a single one.

Once you’re in loop with your client, another important aspect is regular follow up. According to Scripted, 80 percent of sale conversions require 5 follow-up calls, but 44 percent of salespeople give up after one follow-up call. So, it’s very important to ensure that your sales team make regular follow ups in order to gain new customers.

By now, you must have analyzed the percentage of call leads that gets converted for your business and the loopholes in the sales channel. Now, the real question is, how to manage business calls to get the maximum sales conversions?

Managing Business Calls on Cloud

Everyone knows about the most traditional way of managing call leads, that is, doing manual entry of call leads (phone number, name, details, etc.), and mentioning the time when a client has told you to follow up.

But, how often has it happened that you forgot to call at that specified time? Or you missed the call and didn’t call back? Maybe, many times.

On an average, businesses miss 17 percent of all inbound calls. And, inbound sales calls are 14 times more likely to convert into a sale than a web lead. This is how crucial inbound call sales are, and you can’t afford to miss on the opportunity.

With the advancement in technology, almost everything is managed on cloud, be it emails or online backups.

Similarly, you can also manage our sales and customer relations with the help of cloud-based CRM software and apps. Some of the best CRM software available in the market today are Zoho CRM, Pipedrive, Freshdesk, Dynamics CRM, etc. Many big enterprises and SMBs are already using these CRM software solutions.

But, a salesperson is not always sitting in front of a system. These software solutions are effective only till the time the entire sales team is sitting in the office. So, how they manage inbound sales calls after office hours? Do they really bother to answer the clients after office hours?

This is where a business Call Tracking App comes into play.

Call Tracking App: A Key to Monitor all your Call Leads

Is it worth spending lakhs of money on your marketing campaigns if the leads aren’t going to be handled properly? Of course, no.

A call tracking app tracks all business calls, monitors your team’s performance, gives analytical call reports and ensures that your sales team doesn’t miss out on any potential customer’s call.

It is a simple mobile app that is user-friendly and cost effective. It hardly costs even 1 percent of your marketing budget, but helps in increasing your ROI substantially.

According to The Statistics Portal, 2.87 billion users would have access to mobile apps by 2020. Given the scenario, can you think of any better option to manage your business calls other than having a call tracking app on your fingertips?

There are many call tracking apps available in the market, but still, businesses are often not aware of them. MyOperator app, Call Rail, Kitedesk, Crazy Call are some of the best business call tracking apps for customer relationship management.

Features of Call Tracking App

Few common features that a call tracking app offers are listed below:

  • Team Tracking: Team members are synced with the call tracking app, and their every call can be tracked. This way, it is ensured that the sales team is answering clients’ calls and following up regularly.
  • Analytical reports: It gives insights about daily calls, call traffic, peak hours, etc. In addition, it can also help managers know the conversion rate of individual sales representative.
  • Reminder notes: Notes related to every customer interaction can be saved and used for personalized interaction.
  • Intuitive follow up: Reminders are set to follow up with clients, or to reach back to those clients whose calls were missed.
  • Callers database: A database of callers is generated automatically, which can further be used for remarketing.
  • Log filters: Calls are segregated as per their call attributes.
  • Call Recording: Call recording helps in monitoring the performance of individual sales representative. It can also be used further for training and development.
  • Measures ROI: It helps in measuring ROI for each marketing campaign by allocating individual numbers to every campaign.

Call tracking apps can be used in almost every industry. No matter, what business you’re into, call tracking apps can help in enhancing the overall sales and profitability.

Now, the decision lies with you. You have to decide which is a better option, using a call tracking app or the one you’re using right now to handle your sales lead?

As a call tracking app requires less investment but improves the efficiency of sales and marketing team, increases revenue and enhances customer service, it is definitely worth trying.

It will not only enhance your business profits, but also improve your team’s performance.


Call Tracking for business
About The Author
Vishnu Goyal
Just one of the 8 billion people here living on planet Earth, spending most of my time creating and growing and helping others create and grow in pursuit of an imperfect life, raising livinity, and building one carefree world.