MyOperator in news

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Here’s what they have to say about us

MyOperator launches new product for brokers to become SEBI compliant

A cloud telephony startup MyOperator has launched a new product for stock brokers to become SEBI compliant within 15 minutes without any hardware and software installation

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MyOperator launches call recording platform for stockbroker to be SEBI compliant

To prevent unauthorized trading activities, markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) directed stock brokers to compulsorily keep a record of orders placed by clients from 1 January 2018.

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Ankit Jain CEO & CTO at MyOperator

It’s good to be an early age Entrepreneur & CTO. The responsibility of CTO allows one to innovate and experiment with technology solutions & the driven results.

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Top five cloud telephony trends to look out for in 2018

The rapid advancement of technology has evolved the way we live in today’s world. The amalgamation of multiple technologies and digitization has fostered the way we interact with each other. 

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Call management solutions provider MyOperator sees small businesses driving growth

Launched in March 2013, the start-up bagged the project of running the back-end operations of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s radio talk show, 

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