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Business Insights

How can you convert a customer call into a hot prospect

Making customer call and converting them can be a cumbersome and time consuming process. The entire exercise requires patience and pre-planning on part of the sales person to gauge the exact requirement of the potential customer and modulate the sales pitch accordingly. It is important to listen to the exact requirements and then respond. There are numerous marketing channels available in today’s dynamic business environment. These channels are a mix of the conventional and new age techniques. The key is to identify the one which works the best and yields maximum results.

1. Make it short and to the point

In today’s fast paced world, time is a precious commodity and few have the patience to listen to a host of services being offered. Be inquisitive but not over-enthusiastic; let the customer explain his requirements in detail. Mould your proposal towards his specifications; this does not imply that you short sell your product. The customer wants to know what is in it for him and his business, how will a service help him achieve his targets and increase the profit margin. Over the course of the conversation, come to a verbal agreement that has action points for both the parties. The customer would like to understand the service in detail and you as a sales representative can plan to send the service proposal to him. The ultimate objective for an entrepreneur/organisation is to make him closer to achieving his goals.

2. Understand the need

Each business has varied requirements depending on their size, structure, product etc. Hence, as one shoe does not fit all, one sales pitch will not yield the same results with all customers. It is paramount to first understand the specific requirements and offer the services accordingly. According to Jeff Bullas, the best way to address consumer needs is to personalize the conversation. So, channelize the conversation accordingly to suit the business requirements.

[Tweet “The best way to address #CustomerNeeds is to #personalize the conversation. “]

3. Be Prepared

Preparation is a factor which will make you stand apart from your competitors. Before you make a call, the customer specifications should be on your tips, such as the business size and type, current market standing and the shareholding pattern and the like. Think of potential questions that he might ask and keep the answers pro-actively ready. Your level of preparedness can be a crucial deciding factor in a deal closure.

4. Quantify

Making random calls and hoping for a potential lead is a waste of resources without a target in mind. Quantify your efforts for self evaluation and better results. Determine the most suitable time to make a call keeping in mind customer preference. There is a lot of information that will be exchanged; the key is to differentiate between the irrelevant and quality discussions. Also, keep track of the number of deal conversions that have been made.

5. Ask For References and Build Credibility

All calls will not turn into a sales closure, hence it is vital to increase your network by asking for references. A reference will provide a base to build your conversation during the next call and help grow your customer base at no additional cost. Do not make tall claims that cannot be fulfilled. Be realistic in your approach and cater to the requirements by providing real time solutions, which will yield long term results. Clearly distinguish between the pros and cons and help him understand the end result.

[Tweet “#CallRecording is a tool that businesses use to leverage upon the inputs provided by the customers”]

There is no fixed formula to determine whether a customer call will convert into a potential customer. A combination of perseverance, ability to judge the ultimate requirement of the client and regular follow ups will definitely result in deal closures.

You may receive 10/100 customer calls everyday with varied requirements. Here’s the question: How do you plan to check for all those requirements in the future? If you’re planning to jot down, it’s not a very good idea!

Call Recording is a tool that businesses of today have been using to leverage upon the inputs provided by the customers. Listening to these recordings may help you in your product strategy and cater to the needs of the customers.

Get your customer call recordings here.

How to convert a customer call into a hot prospect

About The Author
Ankit Jain