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How Virtual Number & Call Tracking Impacts Content Marketing Campaigns

How Virtual Number & Call Tracking Impacts Content Marketing Campaigns

Today, marketing is becoming more and more versatile. Companies come up with creative ideas for marketing campaigns and combine different marketing strategies to win over the attention of their target audience and stand out from the competition.

One of the most creative approaches in marketing campaigns is combining content marketing, virtual number, and call tracking technology. This is a very unique approach, allowing companies to remain creative with their content, while also getting precise data on the performance of the campaign.

How Virtual Number and Call Tracking Impacts Content Marketing Campaigns - MyOperator
How virtual number and call tracking impacts content marketing campaigns – MyOperator

Which businesses can benefit from virtual number and call tracking?

While virtual number and call tracking technology and cloud telephony, in general, are beneficial for all kinds of businesses, these can be exceptionally beneficial for startups and small businesses, which don’t usually have a lot of money to invest in expensive content marketing campaigns and business communication set up.

According to Finances Online, cloud telephony can help reduce initial startup expenses roughly by 90% on international calls and by 40% on local calls.

Cloud telephony can help reduce initial startup expenses roughly by 90% on international calls and by 40% on local calls.

Moving to cloud-based phone systems, not only startups and small businesses can save money in business communication and marketing campaigns but large enterprises and established organizations as well.

Today, cloud telephony technology like virtual number, call tracking and toll free number are used by businesses of every scale across industries, including:

Insurance agencies: For these companies, cloud telephony can help improve their marketing ROI with solutions like automated calls for renewal of insurance, policy reminders. and connect agents with prospects and customers.

Hospitality industry: Cloud telephony is an important part of the marketing campaigns of hospitality businesses as it contributes to positive customer experience. It lets customers and prospects conveniently connect with the people in hospitality businesses for booking and inquiries. Besides, call tracking helps hospitality businesses to identify new marketing opportunities by letting them know where most of their customers call from.

SaaS businesses: Purchasing a SaaS solution is often a decision that takes some time. That’s why consumers often look through the provider’s marketing materials like to make their final decision. In this case, cloud telephony can become an additional channel, through which a customer can contact a SaaS provider for more information about the product.

Apart from keeping customers satisfied, these companies can benefit from the virtual number, call tracking technology and IVR calling system to scale up their content marketing efforts.

Let’s take a look at how virtual number and call tracking technology can impact the success of content marketing campaigns:

Virtual number and call tracking technology for content marketing campaigns

Valuable customer insights

Customers like when brands take their opinion into consideration. However, the benefits of collecting customer insights go far beyond just satisfying your customers. It provides you with an abundance of user-generated content ideas, which you can collect using call tracking.


Campaign-based call tracking: Cloud telephony allows companies to identify which efforts are driving phone calls with high conversion rates. With call tracking, you can track which platforms are driving more calls, including the success of marketing efforts like pay-per-click (PPC), offline marketing like hoarding, billboards, newspaper ads, TV, and radio ads.

Location-based call tracking. This feature allows companies to track location of incoming phone calls. Knowing where your customers are can help you to optimize content for local Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Identifying platforms where the target audience prefers to consume content. Your company can use virtual numbers to launch a call-based survey and ask the target audience to share their platform preferences and then use call tracking to analyze the answers. However, before you launch your survey, make sure it is thoroughly proofread. You can use online resources like Grammarly, TrustMyPaper, or GrabMyEssay. Your survey should be informative yet brief.

Having the right platform in a content marketing campaign greatly contributes to its success. It helps improve traffic and engagement. Apart from that, call tracking can be of great help in identifying keywords for content optimization, which is a crucial part of content marketing campaigns.

Effective lead generation

Content marketing and call tracking can become a dynamic duo, helping you generate valid leads!

If you use your content to encourage customers to make a phone call and contact your business, you can then use call tracking to convert these customers into leads. This can be possible with few tactics:

Lead classification: Cloud telephony allows marketers to segment bad and good leads based on multiple factors including location, timing, and platform. Based on such segmentation, you can be well-versed where your good audience is and the best ways to target. This is especially helpful if you use PPC advertisements in your content marketing campaigns.

Automatic call routing: With this cloud telephony feature, you can set specific criteria to automatically redirect potential leads to a customer support manager in real time. This helps reduce lead aging.

Using call transcripts: By auditing call transcripts, you can know what are the pain points of your customers and what they really need from you, and where your marketing efforts need to be focused. Therefore, this feature can help you know and fill the gaps in your content content marketing campaign in real-time, helping you fix the issues right away.

Call tracking can also help recover leads. “Cloud telephony and call tracking allow businesses to catch dormant leads and later target them with a follow-up call,” says Jeffrey Atkins, a marketing consultant at Studicus. Besides, using call transcripts in this case will also help you to determine what your content marketing campaign lacks to complete lead conversion.

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Smart campaigns marketing analysis

Besides collecting valuable customer insights and benefiting lead generation, the virtual number and call tracking technology is crucial to help marketers track the results of content marketing campaigns.

Among the features that help better and more precise campaign marketing analysis, businesses can especially benefit from the following:

Google Analytics integration: Cloud telephony solutions allow businesses to integrate Google Analytics. This integration allows precise real-time campaign tracking with valuable insights as to which parts of the campaign underperform and need improvement.

Tracking offline ROI with virtual numbers: This is especially helpful if the content marketing campaign involves traditional advertising, the results of which are often assumed. In this case, virtual numbers can provide marketers with more precise and up-to-date information about the performance of the content marketing campaign.

Collecting insights for the next content marketing campaign: In marketing, there is a good practice to employ insights from previous marketing campaigns before launching a new one. Call transcripts and call tracking, in general, collect a lot of valuable data in real-time to help businesses create a more effective and resourceful marketing campaign in the future.

The data that virtual number and call tracking technology can provide you during your content marketing campaign helps you precisely estimate its success and fix any pitfalls along the way to ensure that your content is performing at its highest.


The tandem of content marketing and cloud telephony is not an obvious choice, but it’s a good one if you want to make your content marketing campaign stand out.

The virtual number and call tracking technology can help improve your content marketing campaign in a number of ways, from providing you with valuable customer insights to generating leads and helping you analyze your campaign in real time.

Most importantly, by choosing this tandem, you stand out from the competition, and it’s definitely one of the greatest perks of using the virtual number and call tracking technology in your content marketing campaign.

How Virtual Number and Call Tracking Impacts Content Marketing Campaigns - MyOperator

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About The Author
Vishnu Goyal
Just one of the 8 billion people here living on planet Earth, spending most of my time creating and growing and helping others create and grow in pursuit of an imperfect life, raising livinity, and building one carefree world.