
The Beginner’s Ultimate Guide for you to Getting Started with WhatsApp for Business

Get Started with Whatsapp Business
MyOperator / Blog / The Beginner’s Ultimate Guide for you to Getting Started with WhatsApp for Business

Are you ready to take your business to the next stage? Have you thought about using WhatsApp for business but are unsure if it will be beneficial? It’s a crucial step to integrate WhatsApp campaigns with your current marketing and customer service software. 

Businesses are increasingly realising that they can benefit from WhatsApp since their customers already have it enabled on their mobile devices as WhatsApp solidifies its dominance in the online messaging arena. Facebook created WhatsApp Business to make up for the fact that the standard WhatsApp is not appropriate for companies.

What is WhatsApp Business?

Starting Whatsapp Business with Ease

WhatsApp Business, a free app available for Android and Apple, allows small and medium-sized businesses to instantly connect with their customer base.

Businesses can use the app to interact directly with customers, promote new products and discounts, and generally make themselves more approachable for business inquiries.

During its 2017 presentation, WhatsApp Business was announced, and one of its goals was to completely eliminate the messaging service of spam communications from businesses

Why use WhatsApp Business for your Business?

WhatsApp has established itself as a household brand in the instant communication world of today.

The messaging platform has more than 2 billion active users worldwide and has essentially taken over our everyday lives.

But did you realise that WhatsApp has a specific business-focused platform called WhatsApp Business?

Here are some reasons why using WhatsApp Business for your business is crucial

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1. Personalising and Directing Communication with Users

The direct and personal contact that WhatsApp Business provides businesses with their customers is one of its biggest benefits.

You can send tailored communications to your clients, such as reminders, promotions, or requests for customer service, by setting up a business account. Additionally, you may introduce the products or services you offer to clients more easily by using the company WhatsApp number to send them pictures, videos, and other multimedia.

2. Productive and Economical

Businesses can efficiently and affordably contact their customers by using WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business is a more convenient and cost-effective alternative to conventional marketing strategies like email marketing and direct correspondence.

Additionally, WhatsApp Business enables companies to automate messaging, which makes it simpler to handle customer inquiries and deliver efficient responses.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement and Contentment

Customer Engage with Whatsapp Business

Businesses can improve client satisfaction and loyalty by using WhatsApp Business.

The platform enables companies to give consumers a more individualised and interactive experience, increasing customer loyalty and retention rates. Additionally, WhatsApp Business’s quick and effective communication tools can assist companies in responding to client queries quickly, which can increase customer happiness.

4. Secure and Trustworthy

Businesses can use WhatsApp Business as a trusted and secure medium for customer communication. End-to-end encryption is employed by the platform to guarantee the security and privacy of all messages.

Furthermore, WhatsApp Business is dependable and consistently available, allowing companies to connect with their clients whenever they need to.

5. Business Profile and Valuable Insights

Businesses can also access analytics through WhatsApp Business, which can help them gain insight into the people they serve.

Businesses can display information about their business, including their address, working hours, and website, by creating a business profile.

The analytics function gives companies insights into their messaging and customer interactions, assisting them in identifying what is effective and what needs to be improved.

In a nutshell, we can state that WhatsApp Business’s major advantages are

  • Enhance response time (SLA).
  • Cost reductions for contact centres and agents.
  • An increase in client satisfaction.
  • Comply with data privacy rules. (GDPR).
  • greater output from team or agent tasks
  • Boost your interaction and dialogue with your customers.
  • Allows for constant digital attention and assistance.
  • Message encryption and end-to-end protection.
  • Include a verified company profile and a legitimate phone number (green checkmark)

How to Create a WhatsApp Business Account in 7 steps

WhatsApp has advanced significantly from simple chat and emoticon sharing with friends to seamless customer communication. Yes, you guessed it right it’s the WhatsApp Business app.

To learn how to set up a WhatsApp Business account, refer to the simple steps below

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1. Download the WhatsApp Business App

You will require an Android or iOS smartphone, as well as a new number, before creating a WhatsApp Business. A fresh number, as WhatsApp does not permit the WhatsApp Business and Messenger apps to share the same number. However, if you want to use the same number for WhatsApp Business, you can do so by switching from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business.

Remember: If you already have a WhatsApp Messenger account, you can simply switch it over to a WhatsApp Business account. This includes your chat history and multimedia. However, you cannot later move your chat history from WhatsApp Business to WhatsApp Messenger if you decide to switch between the two apps.

2. Install the App

Open the application on your device once it has been downloaded. You must now accept the Terms of Service to continue. It would be best if you explore the policy first before continuing. You can then select “Continue” after accepting it.

3. Set up a Business Account

To create your WhatsApp Business account, you can choose to use your current phone number or a new one. Two choices will be displayed on the screen. You can proceed to the next stage by selecting one based on your preferences.

4. Verify the Number

The following step is to verify the number you have selected to use for your WhatsApp business account. Enter the phone number you’re using to connect to WhatsApp Business. You will get a call or SMS to confirm it.

You will be sent a six-digit number via SMS. The code and number verification are done immediately by the app. If you don’t have the number available, you will have to type it in manually. You can choose to have a call made in order to verify if you are having difficulty receiving the SMS.

For your WhatsApp Business account, you can make ads if you already have a Facebook Ads Manager account. You will be able to contact a larger audience and increase traffic to your WhatsApp Business account as a result. Follow these steps to use Facebook Ads Manager:

  • Enter your Facebook Ads Manager login details.
  • Click on the Create button and select Create Ad.
  • Decide what you want the ad to accomplish, such as boosting revenue or brand recognition.
  • Set a limit and decide who your target market is.
  • Create your ad’s creative and choose WhatsApp as your destination.

5. Create Your Profile

It’s time to set up your WhatsApp Business profile after finishing the verification process and linking your Facebook Ads Manager account. This will enable consumers to learn more about your company and the products and services you provide. To build up your profile, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > Business Settings > Profile in the WhatsApp Business app.
  • Include personal and cover images that represent your company.
  • Enter the name of your company, the location, the contact information (phone, email, and website), and any other relevant information.
  • Give a brief description of your business and the solutions & products you offer.

6. Give Access to Contacts and Files

Make sure the app has permission to access your contacts and media files before using your WhatsApp business account for work-related tasks.

Turn on Access to notifications, audio, contacts, and all kinds of media in the WhatsApp Business app’s mobile settings. This will make everything on your app easily accessible and shareable.

7. Add your Business Details

It’s time to begin adding business-related information to your WhatsApp Business account now that your profile has been created. This will make it easier and faster for your customers to discover the information they require about your company. Some examples of the business details you can include are as follows:

  • Products and services: You can add details, such as costs, description (keep in mind that you must do it within 256 characters), and pictures, about the goods and services you provide.
  • Catalogue: You can build a catalogue of your products or services and share it with your clients.
  • Automated messages: You can program automated messages to answer customer questions and greet potential customers.
  • Label: Use labels to categorise your chats and keep tabs on customer queries.

Features of WhatsApp Business

We bring to you features that are exclusively available only on WhatsApp Business App! Not kidding. Let’s dig into the characteristics in more detail:

1. WhatsApp’s Catalogue and Cart

To display the products and services they offer, small businesses can use the WhatsApp Catalog. It’s simple to set up a catalogue. Businesses simply need to add details and prices for each of the products or solutions they offer, along with product or service images.

The Catalogue can also be promoted by sharing the Catalog URL or product links within the app, on other websites, and through messages. Users can browse the items listed in the Catalog once it has been created and authorised by WhatsApp. They can then add items to their WhatsApp Cart and contact the company to wrap up the deal.

Due to WhatsApp Pay’s limited availability, most businesses must send customers to a third-party payment gateway in order for them to complete their transactions. 

Here are some essential facts about the catalogue

  • Up to 500 products or offerings can be uploaded.
  • A title, price, summary, product code, and link to the product on your website can all be included for every product or service.
  • Each product should have an image.
  • Links from the catalogue can be shared in WhatsApp chats.

2. WhatsApp Pay

Customers can pay in-app using the function known as WhatsApp Pay. The primary reason it is not offered in most nations is that, in order to set up payment services, each nation must adhere to its own set of national laws. 

Only certain people in the US, Brazil, and India can currently use WhatsApp Pay. Customers can only use the function if they are located in areas where WhatsApp Pay is accessible.

3. Automated Messaging

Another feature of WhatsApp Business that can help organizations save time and enhance customer support is automated messaging. Businesses can use automated messaging to set up predefined messages that are sent to clients automatically in response to specific triggers or occurrences.

An organisation might, for instance, program an automated message to be sent to clients who have just made a purchase, thanking them for their patronage and informing them of how to get in touch with customer support if they have any problems.

Customers can receive critical information via automated messaging, such as shipping updates or account notification messages. Businesses can maintain client engagement and communication without the need for manual follow-up by delivering automated messages to them.

Additionally, companies can increase revenue without hiring more salespeople by using automated messages to upsell or cross-sell their products and solutions.

4. Messaging Tools

Messaging tools enable you to interact with consumers through automated messages and create important customer conversations. You can create automated greeting messages, away messages, and quick responses to commonly asked queries using WhatsApp’s business messaging tool feature.

A friendly greeting Automated welcome messages make it easier to present your company to customers. Here is how to configure a welcome statement for your company:

  • Select Business Tools > Greeting message
  • Activate the welcome message.
  • By selecting the edit icon, you can enter a note.
  • To save the modifications, tap “Save.”

Quick replies – Quick replies allow you to save and reuse texts that you frequently send, making it easy and fast to respond to common inquiries.

Away message – As the name implies, away messages are ones that are sent while your company is closed. It improves the customer experience by letting your clients know when they can expect an answer.

To send an away note, follow the steps below:

  • Select Away message under Business Tools.
  • To activate the away message, click “set away message”.
  • By selecting the edit icon, you can enter a note.
  • Add recipients and set the date.
  • To save your changes, select “Save”.

Does WhatsApp Business Include WhatsApp Business API as a Feature?

WhatsApp Business does not include WhatsApp Business API as a feature. WhatsApp offers companies two distinct products: WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API.

Designed specifically for small businesses, WhatsApp Business is a free mobile application that enables them to interact with clients via WhatsApp. To help businesses handle their customer conversations, the software has features like automated messages, quick replies, and labels.

On the other hand, WhatsApp Business API is a paid service that offers bigger businesses and enterprises a more sophisticated platform to interact with consumers on a large scale. It has capabilities like chatbots, messaging templates, and system integration with other company tools and apps.

Thus, while WhatsApp Business is a free app for small businesses, WhatsApp Business API is a paid service for larger companies and enterprises seeking to communicate with customers on a wider scale.

Best Practices for Using WhatsApp Business

Whatsapp Business Customer Engagment

 Customers can get responses to their questions from your business without sending emails or making repeated phone calls. Without a doubt, customer support is made simpler and better with WhatsApp Business.

It’s an all-encompassing link that enables more personalised service and encourages repeat business. WhatsApp is now used for contact in places where emails and hold calls were once the norm. Here are a few of the top best tips for using WhatsApp Business:

1. Etiquette and Guidelines for Messaging Customers

There are some rules that should be followed when messaging clients. Always make sure that your messages are relevant to the client and are personalised.

Sending spam or unannounced messages should be avoided because they can ruin a customer’s experience. Respect the customer’s time and place as well. Avoid sending messages too frequently, and always include an option for opting out.

2. Personalisation and Segmentation

To execute successful messaging campaigns, both personalisation and segmentation are essential. You can develop messages that are useful to particular customer groups by segmenting your audience. Sales and participation may both benefit from this.

The customisation process can also contribute to a stronger bond between your company and the client. You can make the experience personal by mentioning the client’s name or earlier transactions.

3. Timing and Frequency of Messaging

When messaging clients, timing and frequency are essential. Conversions and engagement can both be improved by sending messages at the correct time.

Sending a note, for instance, at the end of the business day might not be the best move because customers might be too busy to respond. Furthermore, it’s crucial to refrain from sending too many texts. Lower engagement rates may follow and client lack of energy may set in.

4. Managing Customer Data and Privacy

Finally, a key component of using WhatsApp Business is managing client data and privacy. Before gathering and using a customer’s details, always make sure you have their permission.

Furthermore, be open and honest about how you intend to use their data and give them the choice to opt out if they so choose. Last but not least, make sure you always abide by data security laws like GDPR, CCPA, etc.

Examples of Businesses using WhatsApp Business

The country with the most WhatsApp users worldwide is India, followed by Brazil, Indonesia, the US, Russia, and Mexico.

With more than 96 per cent of the country’s population using WhatsApp regularly, Brazil has the largest WhatsApp user base outside of Asia.

Here are a few case studies and success stories of companies using WhatsApp Business

1. Hellmann’s

The well-known mayonnaise company Hellmann’s used WhatsApp to introduce a recipe promotion in Brazil. Customers could WhatsApp a photo of the contents of their refrigerator to a Hellmann’s number, and the company’s chefs would use the ingredients to make a recipe and send it back to the customer.

The campaign led to a 14% increase in sales as well as a 67% increase in brand recognition.

2. Petpal

Petpal, founded in 2016, has 50,000 users who use it for services like grooming and pet transportation in addition to food and supplies. Customers of Petpal make purchases using WhatsApp, the company’s mobile app, and its website.

Petpal began utilising WhatsApp Business’s distant message function. It assisted them in accelerating customer interactions with Petpal, and the quick replies function enabled the company to instantly respond to commonly asked inquiries.

3. BookMyShow

BookMyShow, an Indian online ticketing portal, sends movie tickets and booking confirmations to customers via WhatsApp. Additionally, they use WhatsApp to offer customer service, enabling users to message the app with any issues they run into when booking tickets. 

4. OYO Rooms

An affordable hotel chain in India, OYO Rooms, employs WhatsApp to offer each visitor individualized customer service.

Customers can send direct WhatsApp messages to the hotel to inquire about services or report problems, and staff members will reply right away to help. Additionally, the business uses WhatsApp to notify customers of booking confirmations and other essential details.

Customer service opportunities for WhatsApp businesses are expanding rapidly globally. WhatsApp Business is the best option for you if you are a small-scale enterprise that has just begun using a messaging platform to take orders and respond to customer inquiries. In such a scenario the customer base is small, you can work without any kind of automation, and one person can handle all the questions.

However, WhatsApp free API is unquestionably the way to go if you’re a medium-sized company, enterprise, or even a small business seeking to grow, sell, and offer support to a sizable customer base because they offer better integration, automation, and control over the way you communicate.

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At MyOperator, enterprises such as Happay, Razorpay, and Amazon use WhatsApp as their primary contact channel. Why are you waiting? Join today!


Q1. How does WhatsApp Business differ from regular WhatsApp?

Ans: WhatsApp Business and regular WhatsApp are different in several areas. WhatsApp Business is a platform created especially for small companies to interact with their clients. It has capabilities like the ability to build a business page with vital details like a description of the company, contact information, and opening hours. Additionally, it has messaging features like automated messages and quick replies to help companies interact with clients effectively.

Q2. Can I use WhatsApp Business for customer support?

Ans: Yes, you can provide support to customers using WhatsApp Business. It’s actually one of the app’s main use cases. You can offer real-time customer assistance with WhatsApp Business by responding to queries, resolving problems, and addressing concerns. You can make a catalogue of your products or services using the app and share it with your customers.

Q3. How do I measure the success of my WhatsApp Business campaigns?

Ans: You can monitor statistics like the volume of messages sent and received, the number of consumers who have interacted with your brand, and the campaign conversion rate to gauge the effectiveness of your WhatsApp Business campaigns. Analytics tools can be used to monitor consumer activity and pinpoint areas where your campaigns need work. Furthermore, you can get customer input to assess the success of your messaging and make any changes that are needed.

About The Author
Sudeepta Bora
Say hello to Sudeepta! With years of content marketing experience in diverse domains, she's now a pro copywriter and marketer in the ever-changing world of Technology. When not at work, she explores her passions for travel, art, photography, and tech, turning each day into a learning adventure.

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