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10 Tips For Sales Managers Working From Home

Sales Manager

I am no more surprised if anyone says, “Work from home is stressful.” Constant coordination and virtual meets have replaced instant face to face interactions and that often renders us time-poor. While many of us are wired to work perfectly from the comfort of our homes, many are yet to make themselves comfortable in this new norm. Instead of overthinking, let’s try to focus on solutions if you are working as a remote sales managers.

Here are 10 simple yet effective practices with which you can ace up your sales skills and learn how to be a better sales managers even when you are working remotely.

1. Use personal communication tools 

Emails, texts, instant messages have become handy tools for daily based conversations, and not forgetting that they are extremely easy to use but they lack personal touch. If you were working remotely, you have to feel and stay connected with the team so don’t hesitate to get on a call or a video chat. These tools help stay connected and also help to reduce stress levels.

2. Be disciplined and focused 

Even if you are working remotely, you need to be disciplined and focused when it comes to your work. You might be at home but you are on a corporate clock, so you need to plan your day and time as per the work. Do not let anyone or any distraction lower down your productivity.

3. Try to manage your energy, not time

Working remotely can also be exhausting sometimes, sitting in one place for hours that too in front of screens can be tiring. So how do you manage your time and also not compromise on productivity? 

I would say managing your energy is more logical than managing your time because that’s something you can control. Time, on the other hand, is something you can’t control. Sometimes it’s on our side, more often it’s not. Try to establish some habits and rituals in your schedule that make you energetic, happy, and most importantly get your blood flowing.

4. Stay in touch with your team and customers

As we say, “communication is the key to everything”. Well, that’s true especially when you are working from home or to be a remote sales managers it’s important to get on the call with your co-workers, the boss as well as with your clients as it gives a personal touch and keeps you connected with others while working remotely.

5. Create an office space that motivates you 

You need to find a space where you can make your work from home space. Make sure it’s filled with things that motivate you to work. You can add anything from books, plants, photos, posters, etc. You can also add some motivational quotes on the wall to keep you going, for eg; quotes for sales managers tips, how to be a better sales managers.


6. Make this opportunity count

When you are a sales manager and getting the opportunity to work from home, don’t let this moment go. Show your managers that you’re able to work hard even on your own, handle everything with ease and achieve great results. Along with it help and support your colleagues too, as we say “ teamwork is dream work”. 

7. Enjoy the perks of working from home

Don’t forget to enjoy and take advantage of all the perks of working from home. I know it’s important to work hard but you can’t work continuously and it can be daunting too. so take a break, breathe and make sure you enjoy it as well.

8. Try to keep a routine

Being a remote sales manager, you need to be committed and consistent with your wake-up time, knowing when to ‘start’ and ‘stop’. Working too much, too little, or at odd hours can lower down productivity. Plan your day or week, mark your calendar with things that are to be done on priority. With a routine, it becomes a lot easier to stay focused.

9. Be consistent with your work and results

When you work as a remote sales manager, your focus should be on getting things done on time and delivering good results. While working remotely, you need to be consistent with your work and deliver consistent results because everyone sees how much work you have done and how much you have contributed towards the growth of the company. Let your work speak for you.

10. Be positive

Last but the most important one – surround yourself with positivity. In these trying times, you have to be positive especially when there are a lot of negative things happening around you. It’s important to have a positive work environment, listen to good music, listen to a motivational podcast, read some motivating and good books, etc. to surround yourself with positivity and to keep you going on.

About The Author
Vishnu Goyal
Just one of the 8 billion people here living on planet Earth, spending most of my time creating and growing and helping others create and grow in pursuit of an imperfect life, raising livinity, and building one carefree world.