Why having your own startup is the coolest thing ever

Why having your own startup is the coolest thing ever

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Do you know what you want and why you want it? Are you an innovator? Are you a risk taker? Are you a good leader? If the answer to even one of the above questions is ‘yes’, then you ought to startup! Think how cool it would be if pursuing your dream earns you money and fame.

Some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs also unleashed their genius a little late. So, you still may not have missed the boat!

Here are a few ways to have startup swag:

1. Make your creativity a problem solver: A startup provides you a platform to turn your vision into reality. You have the privilege of seeing your imagination turning into a real life project. The self satisfaction and the confidence you get in the process will be unmatched and working in an MNC can never provide you that.

Paper Boat is a very famous brand that serves traditional, authentic indigenous Indian drinks packaged in single-serving, flexible pouches. We all have childhood memories when we used to consume unadulterated juices and beverages. Paper Boat helps us relive those childhood memories.

Now, did you notice what just happened? A problem was solved. Paper Boat has made available traditional drinks to people who are homesick and miss ‘ghar ka khana’.

2. Change how the world lives: Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote once said “There’s lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there’s only one good, legitimate reason, and I think you know what it is: it’s to change the world.” A startup lets you create value for society. So, treat it as an opportunity to make a difference to billions of lives!

Consider this! Ola Cabs has made commuting so economical. According to reports, it receives 150,000 bookings a day and commands 60 percent of the market share in India. Did you note the difference? People struggling for buses and metros now have a a comfortable way to reach their destinations.

So strive to make a difference that leads to habitual actions.

3. Make your dream pay: Working towards making sure your dream comes true means working day and night. This is what a startup offers. Startups gives you an opportunity to leverage your dreams with a unique workforce that is striving towards a common goal. Your passion becomes others’ passion and hence, a success.

Maple is a new food concept that combines New York’s best chefs and culinary talent with high-quality ingredients and rotating daily menus, all delivered straight to your door at the click of a button. They believe great food shouldn’t be so hard to come by. That’s why they removed the barriers, made dishes they are passionate about, and ensured it was easier than ever for you to start eating, hence earning by pursuing their passion.

So do you get a chance to live your dream everyday? Yes indeed!

4. Expand your learning potential
: One aspect that is intriguing about startups is that you start from the scratch! In the process of building your dream, you understand people, their requirements, and learn how to approach them. Therefore, every day is a new learning, a new experience, and a new value addition to your skills.

Santhosh D. Singh, the founder of Amrutha Dairy Farms, wanted to start a profitable business, and yet stay connected with nature. So, he chose to pursue dairy farming instead of going for agriculture as the latter is very unpredictable. He initially set up infrastructure for 20 cows, but finding the business profitable due to the rising prices of dairy products, he installed the capacity for 100 cows.

One of the unforeseen emergencies was the acute shortage of green fodder due to inadequate rainfall, which led to an increase in the prices of green fodder ten-fold. In his quest to find a lasting solution, he decided to set up the first production unit of hydroponics, which enabled the growing of 1 ton of green fodder / day in a controlled environment at significantly lower costs than commercially procured green fodder.

Here’s the opportunity: To seek multiple solutions to a single problem helps in innovation and sketching your own set of skills.

So are you ready to define your skillset?

5. Discover your product vision: Everyday learning gives you options to decide the vision of your product or service. A vision is a must to go ahead with your startup; infact, it helps you discover where you want your dream to be.

Myntra has introduced a chat tool to enhance user experience. The main motive of this feature is to give the customers a feel of a shopping mall where they can interact with the fellow customers and share their shopping experiences within a community.

Additionally, MyOperator also has a toll free number for business to further facilitate seamless communication with customers, ensuring their queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

Similarly, you can keep adding to the vision of the product or service, taking customer experience to a new level altogether. Customer experiences should define your product’s vision, which will bring your product a big thumbs up.

So, what’s holding you back? You have it in you! Go ahead and startup!

This article was originally published on Yourstory.

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