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Virtual business phone number for smarter sales & effective support

Almost all modern companies today provide various platforms of communication to their customers. However, merely marking your presence will not help. To be truly effective, your business must use these technologies and platforms to its advantage. For companies with dedicated sales and support teams, virtual business phone number have become an effective and powerful medium of customer communication, all for good reasons. Calls are often the first channel customers turn to when looking for help or advice from businesses. Therefore, your on-call communication should be top-notch. Needless to say, cloud telephony for business is exactly what you need.

After all, without proper growth opportunities, customer service can seem like a slow path to nowhere.

Therefore, companies must explore and implement modern technologies for their customer communication to take their growth graph upwards.

So, let’s start with executing a virtual business phone number for your on-call customer communication.

What is a virtual business phone number?

What is a virtual phone number- MyOperator

Virtual phone number is a product of cloud telephony that was created to upgrade customer communication for businesses. It is a 10 digit mobile number that is not tied to a specific phone device or phone line. 

Virtual number facilitates automatic and smart call routing which directs incoming calls to the appropriate representatives based on your customers’ preferences and needs. 

Virtual phone number offers benefits that add up to cohesive, dependable customer experience, an easy-to-use system for agents, and data that managers can use to increase the performance of their business professionals. 


take a demo of virtual phone system

How is a virtual number different from ordinary mobile numbers?

Basic mobile phone numbers are provisioned to work on a single phone line only and that line is physically connected to a specific mobile phone. Any calls made to a mobile phone number can only be sent to that particular mobile handset. However, a feature like a call forwarding can enable you to receive your call from another mobile phone, but still, you’ll be restricted to receiving that call from one specific handset only.

How virtual number manages calls- MyOperator

Virtual phone numbers, on the other hand, are not associated with a physical handset or wire. Calls placed on the virtual phone number are forwarded (routed) to one or multiple phone numbers and several calls can be taken simultaneously with just one virtual phone number in the front. In the case of virtual numbers, a PBX phone system would be associated alongside facilitating advanced features like call routing, extensions, voicemail, etc.

How do I get a virtual phone number?

How to get a virtual phone number-MyOperator

1. Sign up here with your email id and phone number

2. Complete your demo form with your business name and required details.

3. Add the IVR message for your callers who’ll connect with you on your business virtual phone number.

4. Add your business agents’ mobile numbers on the panel, where your customer calls will be routed.

5. Complete your KYC and payment formalities. Choose your virtual number from the provided list of options.

6. Your virtual number for business will be activated in 1-2 days.

Please note, during this entire process, a dedicated sales professional from our team will be assisting you on each step. 

What is the best virtual phone number Company?

Virtual numbers are designed to reduce the gap between customer expectations and business service, by upgrading your on-call business communication. Taking inspiration from the same, we at MyOperator have also designed our service which fulfills and surpasses your expectations from a virtual phone number company. 

Here are a few attributes which make MyOperator the best virtual phone number Company:

1. Number ownership

We understand how our provided virtual phone number would be published and advertised by you on different platforms. And due to any unfortunate reason, you might choose to discontinue the services with us at any point in time. In that case, you’ll get 100% ownership of your Indian virtual number from our end. This will enable you to get the services activated from some other vendor without changing your displayed virtual number. 

2. Assured failover support 

MyOperator system functions with the support of 15+ data centers located across the country. And your provided virtual company phone number is backed by multiple telecom operators. This assures complete failover support at all levels and guarantees 99.9% strong uptime of your business calls. The fact that the virtual number operators on cloud-based servers function steadily irrespective of external factors like natural calamities or internet disruption. 

3. Security of Data

Our best in the industry Data Security measures have built unbreakable privacy and safety barriers. Your data is stored on Amazon Web Services which provides tons of options to enhance data security, such as security groups, encrypted (coded form of data) data storage, secured and personalized access, etc.

4. A host of exclusive call-related features

Features of our virtual phone system are created and designed to bring advancement and ease to your on-call business communication as well as to your routine call handling. We provide unparalleled calling features like live call transfer, live call widget, auto-subscription of callers, sticky agent, call masking, autodialers, and more. It is hence a comprehensive cloud-based solution with all the right features you require along with a virtual number for business communication. 

5. Mobile app for business monitoring 

We believe monitoring of business activities should be as efficient and effortless as it could be. We don’t want our customers to be unaware of the insights of their on-call customer interactions. Along with your virtual number for business, we even provide a mobile app that provides you with real-time reporting of your customer calls. The mobile app will empower you to keep a pulse on the minute details of your customer conversations irrespective of your geographical presence. 

6. A wide array of integrations 

Your virtual phone system in business should help your team work faster, better, and more efficiently. This can only happen when your tools aka CRMs can work with each other. MyOperator not only provides a virtual number but also provides a cloud-based phone system with it that seamlessly integrates with your CRMs and helpdesks. Your executives can get real-time information about their customer’s previous interactions which happened in the past on any platform.

How does a virtual phone system work?

Busy businesses often find that they have more incoming calls than their agents can handle. Here, either they find a software system that can keep the call center organized, or they end up facing a high number of backlogged calls and frustrated customers.

The virtual phone system is that exact technology that can streamline the working of business calls. It brings in the exact required advancement and easy to routine operations of the company related to customer call handling. Alongside, it even upgrades the on-call experiences of your callers and takes your brand reputation one notch up. 

All your call details are synced automatically and shown in your virtual phone system. This enables you to review call recordings, check the history of each account, lead, or contact; and see the full context around every conversation.

Here is a step-by-step description of how a virtual phone system works:

1. Virtual number is assigned

Your virtual number for business will be displayed, published, and advertised by you on different platforms. Your callers will reach out to you on your virtual number. Alternatively, you may even choose to keep some other toll free number for business on the frontend and your calls will be forwarded to our virtual number, and the IVR will be played. 

2. IVR greeting for your callers

IVR service added to your virtual number for business, consists of a customized voice greeting, pre-defined keypad menu, and the ability to interpret and respond to key-press selections or voice responses from callers. It will greet your callers with a professional message and basis their selection in the IVR menu, the call will be routed to the concerned representative. 

3. Smart and automatic call routing

The call routing algorithm for virtual numbers can work in a few different ways. To direct calls appropriately, virtual phone numbers can be defined to consider the location of the incoming phone number (Location-based IVR), availability of the agent, phone number of the caller (Contact-based IVR), time of day, or the department selected by the caller in the IVR menu.

4. Call tracking + reporting + recording

Analyzing your business calls, monitoring your frontline professionals, leveraging timely improvements, all this is made possible by reporting and recording features of the virtual phone system. A live panel is also provided to allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of day-to-day call-related activities and make timely changes. 

Our virtual phone system is designed for smarter sales and effortless support of your organization. 


virtual number

What are the benefits of virtual phone system?

Lower upfront costs

Modest costs for both setup and upkeep are often lauded as the foremost advantage of cloud-based virtual phone systems. Setting up a cloud-based virtual phone system is simpler, quicker, and much less onerous than opting for a traditional PBX model. 

No need for hardware

It’s no secret that the costs associated with the traditional PBX model can be prohibitive. A cloud-based virtual phone system eliminates the need for almost all hardware, your only requirement will be a stable internet connection and computer terminals.

Flexible and scalable 

As your company evolves and changes, you will need to scale your support and sales teams. Cloud-based services make it easy to tweak your plan with every modification to your workforce. You will present an equal or superior level of professionalism to your customers, who won’t notice anything is different when they ring you up. 

The flexibility, adaptability, and reactivity of the virtual phone system will make it easier and effortless for your frontline professionals to communicate with their coworkers, business partners, and most importantly, the customers.


What is the best virtual phone service?

Best Virtual phone number service- MyOperator

Hear me scream as I say, MyOperator!

1. Easy and hassle-free setup of our virtual phone service.

2. Round-the-clock assistance with the provided services.

3. Pricing which is best-in-the-market

4. Unparalleled quality of the virtual phone service

5. Exclusive and beneficial call-related features

6. Complete security of your business data

7. Assured smooth functioning of your virtual number for business

8. Advancement that goes beyond your expectations

9. Flexible enough to be integrated with CRM on any kind

All these are the attributes of the best virtual phone service that any entrepreneur would like to associate with. MyOperator understands this and that is why our service and product are designed with a customer-centric approach. 

MyOperator works with best-in-class voice carriers and additional local providers in the market to ensure the excellent call quality of your virtual business phone number. 


Bottom line:

Achieving your business goals and KPIs is within reach if you can be sure that your company professionals, especially the ones at the frontline are consistently delivering a great customer experience. MyOperator aligns with your business objectives and makes sure our provided virtual number along with a cloud telephony solution supports you in continuing to grow as a company. Learn how MyOperator virtual number helped in scaling V Trans logistics company.

Virtual phone business solutions- MyOperator

Indeed, a virtual phone system has all the features and reliability needed to grow your business, empower your team, and satisfy your customers.

Have you tried MyOperator virtual business phone number and virtual phone system yet?
If not!

Virtual business phone number
About The Author
Vishnu Goyal
Just one of the 8 billion people here living on planet Earth, spending most of my time creating and growing and helping others create and grow in pursuit of an imperfect life, raising livinity, and building one carefree world.