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Things your subordinates don’t want you to know and MyOperator will unveil

Things your subordinates don’t want you to know and MyOperator will unveil

You run a very tight ship. Your small business might be profitable and you may be thinking of expansion. When running a Small Business, managing employees carefully is of paramount importance. You will need to account for a number of calls incurred to ensure smooth running of your Business Expansion. You will need them to be accountable on their own and yet keep a vigil at how effectively they are doing it.

With the pace at which technology is advancing, it’s virtually impossible to keep abreast without the right scaffolding. Have a look at the things your subordinates didn’t want you to know.

# 1. Contacts lost:

You asked them for the list of customers. Of-course not each is on your finger tip, but your IVR will provide you the details of contacts and as and when they called and also with the issues they had. Packed are the days of haphazard subordinates who failed to maintain systematic records.

#2. Cost of additional software:

Employees would sometimes give a long list of expenditures occured to do the follow-ups but any more. Hosted PBX  are an easy to use setup that can be installed in just a matter of few clicks. There is no need to buy any additional hardware. Also, there is no maintenance cost involved.

# 3. Unavailability:

Customers hesitated in calling as your office phone was busy elsewhere, perhaps the receptionist was busy on a call with her friend. Sadly gone are the days of an irritating busy tone, effective PBX system can support about 100 calls at the same time. That means you can easily attend to all the calls coming into your phone system. This reduces the chance of losing out on business opportunities just because your number was unavailable without any accountability.

#4. Out of office:

Many times you might have missed calls just because you were not in office or there was no one to pick the call in time. Your hosted PBX  lets you build a communication system that is operational 24×7.

# 5. Follow ups:

Sometimes when an employer tells the employee to do a specific follow-up. They either overlook some of  the customers on purpose thinking who’d know? Or since they too have no track themselves they forget some. There will be no excuses why a certain follow-up was not made as IVR systems have all call records.

# 6. Sneaks:

Remember each call is being tracked so even when you try a sneak out of office for a movie with friends, thinking nobody will know? Think twice, you are under friendly vigilance.

# 7. Responsibility transfer:

Often offices suffer the ‘passing the buck’ syndrome.Just when the Boss wants fixation on who didn’t hear the customer’s woes, begins the responsibility transfer by the employees. The IVR will monitor real-time as to who attended the call and when? Also the call transfer is done to the related department alone. Hence no more can employee shrug away from deliverance.

# 8. Customer track:

The IVR will provide a elaborate data so as to who called, for what reason, when and how many times. The employee will have to keep the customer track.

# 9. After Sales:

Sometimes it is found that the after sales services are either abandoned or dilly-dallied. Hey, not any more cause each track will be specific on why a certain call was made. If you want to enhance your customer support and ensure a streamlined communication process, consider opting for a reliable service to buy toll-free numbers. This can not only improve customer satisfaction but also provide a dedicated channel for your customers to reach out without any cost implications.

# 10 Right person:

You know what the Boss will know; who did the hard work. As I have repeatedly said about the data. Now, the go getter will be treasured as per the deliverance made.

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To sum up, I’d like to reassert what I am often told that how much technology aggravates them, thereby wasting their time. I generally reply that really, technology doesn’t aggravate people. Rather, people aggravate other people by the way they design and use technology.

Just a friendly tip to all those working: get working guys, and don’t shirk from work, ultimately apart from your business you too will benefit.

Here’s an in inspirational quote for you  :

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

About The Author
Vishnu Goyal
Just one of the 8 billion people here living on planet Earth, spending most of my time creating and growing and helping others create and grow in pursuit of an imperfect life, raising livinity, and building one carefree world.

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