Ticket routing

ticket routing

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Ticket routing

Received tickets are tagged and assigned to team members who are most suited to handle them through the process of ticket routing. Client care representatives must read each customer inquiry that comes into the help desk, classify it, and forward it to the team or individual responsible for processing it.

Even though the majority of businesses employ various help desk technologies to handle large volumes of tickets, marking and forwarding them is still frequently done by hand. However, manual ticket routing is time-consuming and incredibly ineffective. Tagging issues can cause delays, long response times, and inefficient time management.

This takes us to machine learning-based automatic ticket or call routing. By tagging tickets in real-time, you can save your customer support representatives significant work time that they can use to concentrate on actually resolving customers’ issues. The right people will receive a properly marked ticket at the right time, which improves responsiveness and customer experience.

Customer service representatives must prioritize issues appropriately because a help desk with no open tickets at the end of the day is basically unheard of. Although some SaaS businesses choose to give top-tier customer support issues priority, many may prefer to concentrate on helping new users in order to increase sales of the product or service.

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