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Can you implement Growth hacking in your small business?

growth hacking

With new start-ups coming up on a daily basis, the competition in the market is intense. To be successful in this competitive world, you have to think beyond the ordinary. This is probably why growth hacking has become the go-to word when looking for people you may want to hire! If you can scale your growth beyond a linear curve and find multiple ways to expand your reach multi-dimensionally, you will survive. There is no other way to make our mark.

Growth hacking is not a new thing and unmindful of the same, you might have been using it in a different variant in the recent past.  Here are some powerful marketing tools in your hands as a business entrepreneur, to hack your growth.

Encourage People to use your Products

If you have started product manufacturing, its popularity among masses can be increased by incorporating a mechanism wherein the actual product can be shared. A digital business card company by the name of Moo has used this strategy effectively.

In its pack of business cards and digital business cards, it adds some cards which encourage people to pass it on to other users, giving them a discount as an incentive. Try this strategy in promoting your business and you will find that the customer affinity with your range of services will increase randomly.

Identify potential Partners

Small businesses often grow well if backed by someone who is already established in the market. Identify some of the successful leaders in your niche and try to establish a business linkage with them. Get someone to mentor you, or get them as a customer. If they are doing an event, try to get into some kind of partnership. This will help your business to gain effective visibility in relatively less time.

PayPal and eBay are a perfect example of this synchronization. eBay was already a successful brand by the time PayPal came up. However, the concept of offering a safer transaction to its customers impressed eBay so much that it tied up with PayPal helping the company grow at a rapid pace.

Use this strategy in your business promotion initiatives and help it prosper.

Endorsement for your Endeavours

Endorsement by someone successful in the niche area in which you are trying to get a foothold also has its imminent benefits. Your customers will take you seriously and will start believing in your promotional initiatives. You can hire the services of someone with a visionary outlook and help explain to your customers, the services or ideas you are trying to spread.

Free products along with some Paid Services

This is another viable method of implementing growth hacking successfully. You should offer some free services or products to the customer initially to build upon their trust levels. These free products or services can be offered in synchronization with paid services.

A company by the name of Moz has been trying this successfully. One can sign up for free SEO tools on Moz but will have to pay up for premium services. People will eventually connect with you and go for paid services when they find that the quality of your product or service is trustworthy.

Using Social Media Tools

The advent of social media has drastically changed the way small businesses are perceived. Join the bandwagon and reap the benefits. Link up your promotional content on to the social media platform. The users on these social media channels, with the help of the WhatsApp API, will amplify the reach of your business, leading to exponential growth in its value.

Pinterest has used this growth hacking strategy successfully to promote its reach. Pinterest allows its users to find up content on the site and share the same on their Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter page.

The same goes for YouTube. Moreover, you can add YouTube hashtags to extend your reach and visibility. Hashtags can help your content get discovered by a broader audience, so make sure to use relevant and trending hashtags in your video descriptions and comments.

Make it easy for people to distribute your content on their social media pages easy and you will be able to connect with users in an effective manner.

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Growth hacking has been in use since long. The techniques and tricks of using the same in business promotion have been evolving with time. By incorporating the above listed tips in business promotion you will be able to improve your prospects in the competitive business world and grow at a rapid pace.

About The Author
Ankit Jain