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12 Myths About Business Communication

call management system

The ability to clearly describe what you do, how it is different from everyone else and why your prospects should buy from you is an essential part of the success of any business. That’s why more and more businesses are turning towards call management systems. When we offer a professional voice IVR system, customers ensure that their welcome messages, including a toll free number, reflect the personality of their company.

From the smallest e-mail to the most expensive advertisement every piece of communication is an opportunity to form an impression in your customer’s mind. But are we really clear when we write our business communications? Think twice. Take these 12 common myths of business communications and test your (CQ) Communication quotient.

Myth #1 – The more information I can cram in, the better:

Have you ever tried to find a needle in a haystack? It takes a lot of patience. Unfortunately, patience is not something readers of your business communications will have. If your message is buried in mounds of text no one will take the time to search for it. Effective business communications focus on a singular message and eliminate everything else.Try being precise and to the point, it always works.

Myth #2 – If I use big words, people will think I’m smarter:

Prodigious colloquy induces an antipodal consequence. Using big words is like a guy with an expensive sports car, it can be perceived that you are trying to compensate for something. Instead, go for short, clear, easy-to-understand words that you would use in everyday conversation. Your tone will be friendlier and your readers will be more receptive to your message.

Myth #3 – By using buzzwords, jargon and acronyms I’ll prove my industry knowledge:

You might as well write in Shakespeare’s lingo because that’s about how many people will actually understand what you’re trying to say. Acronyms are especially deadly, so if they’re necessary take the time to spell them out.

Myth #4 – Speaking about my greatness will inhibit others:

Have you ever been stuck at a party with a person who just won’t shut up about how great they are? Not only is it annoying it actually is a big turn off. Instead of bragging about yourself, gather testimonials and allow your customers to boast on your behalf. You’ll find prospects intrigued and eager to learn more.

Myth #5 – I’ll write in first person so it won’t be boring:

Most of your readers will have one question in their mind when reading your document – “What’s in it for ME?” That means, using the Y-O-U word  not the I (or W-E) word. Yes, there are times that a compelling narrative story can make an impact. But in general, business communications should be about the client, not about you.

Myth #6- Follow the leader:

While it’s always wise to learn from others, don’t be content to remain in the middle of the pack. Become a leader yourself by following your own head and heart.

Myth # 7- The future is out of our control:

Business owners, instead, should live by the famous quote from the legendary Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, who said: “If you want to predict the future, create it.”

Myth # 8- Good fences make good neighbors:

In business, that makes sense only if you view the world around you as an enemy. Instead, see the world as your oyster. Tear down fences by forming strategic alliances with neighbors, companies and other entrepreneurs.

Myth # 9- When in doubt, always go back to basics:

If that means doing more of the same, it may prevent your company from getting itself out of its current mess. Sometimes, changing course is the only way out to break the rut.

Myth # 10- You can manage just about everything:

No. You can’t. Practice your presentation, elevator pitch or even that tough conversation you need to have with your boss. If you know what you want to say beforehand, you’ll be more successful delivering a clear message.

Myth # 11- Value in products and services equates to low prices:

A war waged on the premise of undercutting your competitor is only a race to the bottom. Value means meeting customer expectations and aiming higher in order to justify a fair price, so try to take all proof of concept steps to develop a valuable product.

Myth # 12- Watch the competition closely:

If you’re busy watching your back, you’re not looking forward. That can result in squandered energy and resources. Focus on what you do best and force the competition to watch your back as you speed ahead.

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The key is ‘practise makes a man perfect’.You are not the best nor are you the worst. No formula is the ultimate in the business world. Each day improvise and innovate; all of it will pay.

Nothing here is permanent, not success nor failure. Hold no prejudices. The world awaits you to conquer it.

This article is contributed by Aakaanksha Singh. She is a professional Blogger, columnist and an author.

About The Author
Ankit Jain